Thursday, January 15, 2009

Let's Update!

This is a little update of what we have been doing since November.

Thanksgiving we spent time with my husband's very large family. It is always fun going to their house and never a dull moment. I wish I had some good stories to tell but those brain cells are gone...remember, I have an almost three year. I do remember eating..talking and lots of laughing.

Jonathan and his mom, Grace.

Jonathan's youngest sister, Mary, cooking or prending to.

Oldest niece, Nicole, and Jonathan's sister, Jessica (the blonde sister :-)) They were working hard on gravy.

Jonathan's oldest sister, Monica's, 5th child, Mary Grace.
(Hannah and Mary were playing on the piano..very cute!)

Christmas my mom came over the evening before to go to Christmas Eve service at our church, Bridgeway Community Church. This year's service was titles Colors. And it was so neat! They had skits of different families around the America, China (or somewhere in Asia), Puerto Rico, and Africa showing what they would be doing on Christmas. For America they chose a family putting up Christmas decorations and when the kids went to the kitchen or something, the husband told the wife that he just got laid off. Which I know that so many people were laid off during that time and still being laid off. But we Americans can relate to that. In Asia they showed two Asian girls in a secret place to get together to talk about God and showed the pastor coming in and then later someone knocks on the was a military person or someone with a really big gun that heard about their meeting. You think that he is going to kill them for the faith but he claimed that he wanted to know more about their. Great drama! The other countries were similar in showing what is going on there.

On the long note, Christmas morning was great! Hannah was so much fun to watch. And I love how little kids are so "into" each present that they open. They don't hurry up and open a present and then hurry up to get to the next present. I guess it'll be a little different when she gets older. But I enjoyed it a lot this year.

Our tree (She is REALLY happy about it!)

I don't have anymore pictures..I took mostly videos for Christmas.

January is here and today it is a high of 23 degrees! It snowed in the early early morning. Thankfully, I woke up at 5am and got to see it. It's just freezing out! But when it snows somehow it is so much easier to deal with sub-freezing temperatures. (ok, I am a true Floridian!)

I have been making jewelry like crazy lately and trying hard to build my jewelry can view my blog and my etsy shop.

I hope to be back on sooner than later! Thanks for not giving up on this blog. :-)

1 comment:

Jen @ Rolling Through Looneyville said...

So fun!! Love to read your updates. We'd really love to see you guys soon!